Keys to Monitoring GI Health
Abdominal issues are uncomfortable. The pressure and bloating can make you feel sluggish, making it hard to concentrate on tasks. If abdominal issues progress, it has the potential to be debilitating.
What can make matters worse is not knowing what's causing it.
While most abdominal issues are minor, there is cause for concern if they continue for too long. Your stomach health is paramount to maintaining a healthy body and high quality of life. Here are some things to look out for when it comes to your abdominal health.
Signs of Declining GI Health
It's easy to forget that we have to take care of our Gastrointestinal systems, but it's clear when our GI health isn't the greatest.
There are signs your body gives you when it's time to make some adjustments. It's possible to miss the signs of poor GI Health. Chronic illnesses can follow as a result of not seeing these signals.
Some key indicators of poor GI health include:
- Infrequent bowel movements
- Bloating
- Difficulty sleeping
- Cramps
- Bloating
- And a host of other issues.
Paying attention to these warning signs can mean the difference between solving the issue, or creating additional problems.
Risk Factors GI Problems
Knowing what to look for regarding your GI health is critical. However, there are factors beyond your control that might put you at risk.
You are more likely to develop GI issues if you are:
- Overweight
- Pregnant
- On certain medications
- Genetically inclined
While these factors may put you at risk, the good news is that developing GI-related complications is not a certainty.
When Is Abdominal Pain Dangerous?
We all deal with the occasional upset stomach or go through cycles of constipation.
But how do you know when you're dealing with serious trouble?
One indication is if you have been experiencing diarrhea for more than 5- days without improvement. You should also seek help if you've experienced unexplained weight loss and bloating that has not improved after 2-days.
Be sure to get immediate help if you have blood in your stool, have extreme difficulty to passing stool, and have unexpected sharp pains in your abdomen.
If you believe you might be suffering from serious issues, consult with one of our highly-skilled gastroenterologists. Gramercy Park Digestive Disease Center (GPDCC) has board-certified gastroenterologists that are dedicated to helping you get the answers you need. Give us a call today at (212) 979-3237.